Conrail's Kaleidoscope Years Volume 3

Conrail's Kaleidoscope Years Volume 3


Conrail’s Kaleidoscope Years is a series covering the first few years of operations featuring a wide variety of motive power color schemes inherited from the former Anthracite Roads, as well as leased foreign power. The random colorful lash-ups made for an interesting and exciting time on the former northeast railroads. 

Volume three covers Conrail’s traffic in western PA from Altoona to Cresson, in the eastern Ohio area, the traffic between Alliance, Mingo Junction and Weirton, West Virginia and finishes with scenes in Allentown. Photographed between April of 1977 to October 1977.

Footage in this volume comes from photographer David Latshaw and Jonathan Reck 

Narrated with commentary by Mike Bednar

Color and sound; approximately 61 minutes runtime

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